Our Domesticated Dogs have lived off our table, and around our Campfires for Thousands of years. They have shared our foods from our tables containing Cooked Vegetables as well as Yogurt, Cheeses, and Meats and they have thrived. Until very recently Dry Kibble Dog Food could not be found in most third world countries, consequently, most dogs living in less developed countries eat food from their owners tables. I'm convinced that this natural food diet is the reason those dogs have longer longevity than domesticated dogs living on a totally dry kibble food diet as regularly recommended by Veterinarians.
The diet we feed our puppies and older dogs consists of Meat (chicken, turkey or canned Mackerel or other meats low in fat), Eggs, Vegetables, Cod liver oil, Yogurt, Kelp, and Garlic. We find that top premium pet foods have most of this already mixed in so all you have to do is pour. There dry food contain no Soy, No By-Products (in other words, no Hair, Hooves, Manure, Horns or Chicken Feathers), no preservatives like BHA or BHT, Ethoxyquin, etc. The most common question/comment from first visitors is: Why is there no bad odor here? Or Why don't these dogs smell/have a doggy odor?' Try our diet plan for your pets and you will see great overall health, beautiful coats, no mange or skin problems and dogs that don't stink.
Top Premium dog foods have been formulated using only fresh, natural, whole ingredients from each of the five food groups.
Naturally nutritious fresh chicken and turkey meat, plus high quality chicken meal, provide the foundation for great taste. But we didn't stop there. Fresh whole milk, cottage cheese and whole clove garlic add natural vitamins and flavor. Alfalfa sprouts help satisfy your pet's natural urge to graze. Natural cold-pressed sunflower oil provides the high quality fatty acids needed for healthy skin and a shiny hair coat.
Premium dog foods recipes are based on the most advanced research in animal health. The latest findings in orthomolecular medicine (the study of optimal amounts of substances, especially vitamins, found in the body to achieve optimal health) convinced us to increase the levels of disease fighting antioxidants - Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E - in top premium dog food formula.
Preservatives? Some top premium dog food is preserved naturally with vitamins C and E... and nothing else.
Farm Fresh Ingredients
Top premium dog foods contains only fresh, natural, whole ingredients from each of the five major food groups - providing a balanced, nutritious and varietal diet for your pet.innovative cooking methods combine fresh turkey and chicken meat, fresh fruit and vegetables and a variety of natural whole ground grains to create pet-foods unequaled in healthful, nutritional benefits.
Compare Top Premium dog foods found in The Whole Dog Journal Top Dog Foods For Total Wellness to any other pet-food. We're sure you'll agree that there's a healthy, significant difference.
Health Foods from the Basic 5
Petfoods prepared with a wide variety of healthful ingredients form each of the five basic food groups: fresh lean meats, wholesome fruits and vegetables, natural whole grains, vitamin-rich potatoes, milk and cottage cheese.
Variety is the key to meeting your pet's many nutritional needs. Innova's healthy mix of nutritious ingredients assures a balanced and enjoyable meal every time.
The Dairy Group -- Cottage cheese provides plenty of nutrient-rich calcium, protein, vitamins A and D, and B vitamins.
The Protein Group -- Protein is an integral part of your pet's diet. And fresh turkey, chicken and herring meats bring more to the food dish than just good flavor - they are lean, excellent sources of protein. High quality meat protein provides all the essential amino acids required for the proper nutrition of both dogs and cats.
The Vegetable Group -- A bounty of fresh vegetables are found in premium pet-foods: carrots, Idaho potatoes, alfalfa sprouts and whole clove Gilroy-grown garlic (high in selenium). These vegetables add the antioxidant vitamins A and C, carbohydrates, fiber and various minerals to the diet. And because these vegetables are fresh, whole, and not pre-processed, the flavors and most of the important nutrients - including the "protector" antioxidants - are locked in.
The Fruit Group -- There's now a new twist to the old axiom about apples: "An apple a day keeps the veterinarian away!" Apples - and the nutrients in them - help your pet stay healthy. The fresh, whole apples used in some top premium pet-foods provide important "protector" nutrients, as well as plenty of carbohydrates and fiber, essential for your pet's good health. The antioxidant vitamin C helps to form healthy new cells and heal wounds. Potassium promotes neuromuscular development. And the antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin A aid in good vision, bone and tooth development, and building resistance to infections.
The Grain Group -- All of the grains in Most top premium petfoods are natural whole grains, not grain fractions such as bran, gluten, flour, or mids. Healthful whole grains are important sources of B vitamins, carbohydrates, iron, fiber, and selenium. Nutritious barley and brown and white rices provide important complex carbohydrates to support pet activity and exercise.
Look at top premium dog foods Ingredients:
Chicken Meal
Alfalfa Sprouts
Cottage Cheese
In addition to these fresh ingredients, top Premium dog foods contains:
Whole Ground Barley and Whole Ground Brown & White Rice
These are quality grain sources of highly digestible carbohydrates, not pre-processed grain fractions from other industries.
Sunflower Oil and Chicken Fat
These are ultra high-quality sources of fat... chosen for their skin & coat properties and are rich in linoleic acid and omega 3 fatty acids!
Chicken Meal and Herring
Premium dog foods contain ground chicken meat & whitefish that provide high quality, highly digestible protein.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Casei, Streptococcus Faecium, Lactobacillus Plantarum
These important probiotics are added to help prevent disease and sickness, especially critical for dogs and cats that are under stress from shipping, showing, surgery, and kennel stays.
Vitamins E, C & A (Beta-Carotene), Selenium, Zinc, Manganese
These antioxidants play a vital role in protecting body cells from the damage caused by chemicals and environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes and smog.
When comparing premium dog foods to your favorite brand, please take special care to notice the following ingredients which top premium dog food Products refuses to use: Meat Meal, Animal Fat, Poultry By-Products, Soybean Meal, Rice Gluten, Wheat Mids, Peanut Hulls, Rice Bran, Wheat Flour, Wheat Bran, Rice Flour, BHA, Ethoxyquin, Artificial Colors or Flavors, or any other substandard, low quality, by-product from human food processing.
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